Please, No more acronymns.

HTML - Hypertext Markup Language - The basic code to create web pages. Originally created to create a simple structure for textual elements, HTML is meant to be used as the foundation for all web-pages and is used in every website.

CSS - Cascading Style Sheets - Allows web authors to separate stylistic elements from textual elements of a web page and results in making html cleaner and easier to read, revise, and otherwise manage. The use of CSS to create clean HTML plays a key role in SEO. CSS can also be used to easily unify the look of a domain's web pages including advanced layout and image placement.

DHTML - Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language - A combination of coding languages most frequently used to add animation, functionality and advanced interactivity to web page elements.

SEO - Search Engine Optimization - Various uses of keywords and phrases to gain rankings and placement in search engines. See Search Engine Optimization FAQ.

XML - Extensible Markup Language - A simple and flexible text format originally created to help with extensive electronic publishing.

PHP - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor - Yes, the acronym is use inside the expansion of the acronym. PHP is a popular scripting language that can be implemented directly inside HTML. PHP is used for dynamically generated web-pages and is especially powerful in database driven content.

- A tool for creating interactive and animated websites. Flash is vector-based which is the creation of images using points and connecting lines instead of raster images. This can be helpful in creating animations and advanced interfaces with a smaller file size and faster download speeds.

Shock-wave - The compression format that is used to implement Flash and Director (a raster-based equivalent to Flash) applications into websites.

Domain Name - The main part of the URL: When choosing this it's important to use something short, memorable, and significant to the subject of your site or name of your business.

URL - Uniform Resource Locator - A string of characters that is the path that points a web browser or data-collecting application to a resource on the internet. Essentially, a map to a document, file, or image. In an example, the URL of this page is and you can see this in the address bar at the top of this browser window.

Web Address - A URL specifically for use in a web browser. Web addresses contain "http://" (although you do not necessarily have to type in "http://" in most modern browsers.)

Static Pages - Pages that have a specific Document that they are generated from.

Dynamic Pages - Pages that are generated from a compilation of sections of documents and/or databases with the use of an advanced language such as PHP

Will SEO hurt my business?

When done professionally, SEO is the best thing for your online business, learn more about SEO Facts here.

How do you price your services?

Good question, our standard rate is $125 an hour, yet each project is different and each one deserves our full attention. We typically set our pricing on a per project basis. Request a Quote on your next project at call us at (239) 691-3280

Why not make all websites in Flash?

For as great as Flash is for animation and graphics, currently it is lousy for search engine optimization.

How do I ensure return on investment of my website dollars?

As long as you focus on the 3 things that every web site needs to be successful, your ROI is a given. Design, Development and Search Engine Placement.



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